Here are some common questions and answers that we see with Empower by GoDaddy. As always if you have program specific questions that your local partner contact is unable to address, feel free to email us at [email protected]. Please include your name, local partner organization, and a small description of the issue in the email.  

Kind Regards,  
Ebony and Emily  

Empower by GoDaddy team

What if I already have an existing website and/or domain name?

Email us using the button below! Please include:

1. Partner name = local partner

2. Specifics about your situation - the more info the better

a. domain/site not with GoDaddy or domain/site with GoDaddy and any relevant info

3. If you have an existing GoDaddy customer account please provide this - how to find your customer account number

4. Your Empower redemption code (starts with EMP)

I need additional help with the GoDaddy website builder – Websites + Marketing

I’ve built content on a “FREE” GoDaddy website builder or I see multiple website builders in my customer account

1. You will need to move the relevant content to the Empower redeemed builder that will have an expiration date 2 years from date of redemption.

a. You can validate this builder on your “My Renewals page” and finding the one with an expiration date 2 years out - make note of the name/title of the builder

2. Remove any other builders that do not have an expiration date in the future by 2 years by following the steps “Delete a product from my account”

a. be sure any content you want has been captured/moved to the builder you had redeemed and are keeping

3. Change the name on the Empower redeemed builder using these steps – change my website domain

4. Still need help or want hands-on support with the above steps? Chat Now or call our product & tech support at 480.366.3550

- Both available 24/7/365